Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Planning of my photo shoot for my music magazine

When I create my final magazine cover I will be using my own photos that I have taken. I have looked at many rock magazines and seen what is included in their central image, often it is the lead singer of a band. Using this to influence my photo shoot, I will use one person who will be a lead singer of a band I create.
They follow stereotypes of rock music through angry expressions, black clothing, electric guitars and sometimes face paint. I can use all or some of these ideas to create an ideal rock star for my central image.
My cover model will have an angry expression, wearing war paint and holding a guitar because this is how I imagine a rock star to be.
For my photo shoot I will need my fully charged camera which is a Nikon D3200. In case my camera runs out of charge I will use batteries, and my phone camera as a back up. The props that I will need is the make up, clothes and my electric guitar.
For my contents page I will shoot with three other bands in various locations. One of these will be a live photo from a concert I have been to recently called Pierce The Veil.
I may edit my photos in ways such as black and white to improve the aesthetics.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Music magazine mock up

This is my mock up of what I plan my music magazine to look like. After analysing the results of my survey, I found people thought the best colours for a rock magazine were black and red. I then used white writing to contrast against the black and the bright yellow pug to stand out. I chose the competition to be yellow to make it stand out and attract a bigger audience.
I used this particular image to get a feel of how mine with look as I am planning to also just use the lead singer of a band.
I also featured a tagline to inform the reader what will be included inside. I places it at the top under the mast head so it can be seen easily on the shelf.
From my survey, I also found that the most popular genres were rock, metal and alternative. I listen to all of these so for my secondary images I chose the most popular bands from each genre to include, this is to attract the fans of these artists.
I included certain language and puffs such as "exclusive!" and "20+ pages" and "latest" so it would seem like the reader is getting more for their money and will find certain things in only this magazine. This will encourage them to want to read on and buy it.
When I make my final magazine I may need to resize or move other text and images around top make it fit.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Survey Result Analysis

In my survey I asked the gender of the person. I asked gender rather than sex because socially constructed attributes and roles to that person are more important than their physical characteristics. The gender with help me which colours I use, hobbies and clothing brands I feature. I found most of my audience were male. this means I will use more masculine colours, language and brands.

Next I asked for their age because this will effect the language I use and what I feature inside. I found the largest proportion of my audience was between the ages of 15 and 25.

I asked my target audience what clothing brands they wear. This will help me decide which brands I should advertise inside. If I used clothes my audience didn't like the brand would not sell any clothes and not want to feature. After asking I found Vans was the most popular followed by Topshop and Topman.

To also find out what to feature in my magazine I wanted to find out what they did in their spare time and their hobbies. All of my audience listen to music which is most important. They also spend a lot of their time watching TV and going out. I found that the younger audience, which is most, all use social media. I can use this to my advantage by adding links into my magazine to my magazine's social media pages.

I asked how people listen to there music because I can advertise concerts, CDs and other ways to sell music. I found everyone listens to music on their phones and another popular way is radio especially for the older audience.

One of the most important questions was do you read music magazines and the result was 80% do.
Another important question was what should be featured in the magazine because I need to know what my target audience want to see to buy it. I found news and reviews were most popular followed by tour dates and freebies such as posters. Furthermore, I found the magazines my readers usually buy contain freebies and posters

 I thought it was key to ask what my target audience pays for their music magazines because I need to make mine a suitable to their price range. They usually pay between £2.00 and £3.00.

When I am designing my front cover it needs to attract my target audience. A good way I can do this is through though the use of colour. I found that black, white and red on a rock magazine appeal to them.

I wanted to find out how popular advertising tours and the dates in my magazine by finding out how often my readers would go to gigs.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Music Magazine Survey

I created a questionnaire to ask my target audience about their demographic and psychographic profiles. This will help me to create and design my own music magazine, deciding colours, font and many other conventions. It should be non-bias and representative of my target audience so I can understand what they like.